Community Organisations

Peachey Community Garden

On 14th March 2021, Paul from Aqualess ran a workshop for the Peachey Community Gardens about wicking beds and installed the WaterUps® Oasis 1680 wicking garden bed which Aqualess donated to the community garden. Paul demonstrated how easy it was to set up and install and planted some Asian greens seedlings including Bok Choy.

Recently Stuart Brooker who organised for Aqualess to donate the garden bed commented:

“We were amazed at the growth as we saw plants reach about three times the size compared to our traditional permaculture gardens. There also was no need to weed due to the plants taking over the whole garden bed. There was also no sign of any disease or pests so the leaves were large and Juicy. Over the period of about 9 months, we harvested three crops from this bed and no watering was needed as the garden was being topped up by any rain during that period. Very impressed with the ease and amount produced in the garden.”

9 Months On…

Three complete crops of abundant luscious bok choy and without having to add any water to the reservoir.

And Finally…

Time to plant a new crop of vegetables

Wrapping Wings Around Those Who Need It Most

Urban Angels is an initiative in Nambour under the banner of IFYS (Integrated Family and Youth Services). The initiative builds on the service local chef Shane Bailey started when, during the COVID-19 restaurant closures, he cooked up more than 2000 meals to help Noosa locals in need.  The IFYS Urban Angels Community Kitchen in Nambour has taken over the cooking, using food supplied by Oz Harvest Sunshine Coast.  Council staff collect the meals and drop them off to Noosa charities for distribution to those in need.

It is supported by local businessman Peter Hall of Hall’s Constructions who has provided a permanent home for the group by way of a newly completed commercial kitchen with the latest state of the art catering equipment. 

This facility will make it possible for the group of committed local community volunteers, including local chefs, to significantly increase their food output. This, in turn, will mean they can distribute an increasing ready stock of nutritious frozen meals for people in the local community who can’t always access quality food.

The Community Kitchen program promotes social connection, both for those receiving and those giving. Volunteers and benefactors are genuinely grateful to be able to form relationships, develop new skills and become more connected within the community through their involvement with the kitchen. Urban Angels chef Lapo Trentanove, who joined Urban Angels after losing his hospitality job during COVID-19, said he was pleased to be able to help those in hardship. “I am very grateful. This is the best job I have ever had in hospitality. It is an amazing sensation to be able to help people who really need it,” he said.

Upon reflection, the group decided that there was one thing still missing from their production capacity – garden beds to grow fresh herbs in for use in their cooking. So, in September 2021 Aqualess was approached about delivering two WaterUps© Oasis Wicking Garden Beds for use by the kitchen. Aqualess was only too happy to deliver the beds and help show the members of the Maroochy Men’s Shed how to install them and they did a fantastic job helping to set them up.

When wrapping their wings around those who need them, these volunteers are committed to providing great tasting as well as nutritious food – feeding the tastebuds and soul as well as the body. There is a simple honest and joyful connection that is possible through sharing food and Urban Angels focus on the connection and dignity they bring their customers.

The group has been so impressed with the performance of the WaterUps® wicking system they recently ordered 4 more garden beds through Aqualess so they can increase their herb production.  They are excited about not having to water the garden beds as all the volunteers are so busy, the hours they save through not having to do this can be devoted to other activities.  Additionally, the speed with which the herbs grow, how healthy and tasty they are, plus how easy they are to care for, and harvest has the kitchen volunteers enthusiastic about the new tastes these wicking garden beds are providing for their food offerings.

If you live locally and would like to help by volunteering your time or cooking skills, or possibly even some ingredients, - that would be great. Council Community Development Officer Kylie Finigan, who is helping coordinate the project, said volunteers were looking for additional help to pack the meals.  Maybe you live too far away to do that, in which case you are welcome to donate money or share details of the opportunity to support this group with friends. For more info contact Birgit Sowden on 07 54527774 or drop her an email

If you are part of a community group using gardening as part of your activities and wish to find out how Aqualess can best assist you to achieve your goals, then contact them on 1300 444 492 or via email on